Thursday, November 30, 2023

Looking at Experiences with the Energy Body by Bill Johnson

Understand how the energy body is a reflection of thought patterns.

Learn how to perceive living on an 11 week cycle of the body’s energy flow, from creative highs to a low end where the body feels out of sorts.

Experience how patterns of thought collapse and powerfully project specific types of thoughts into the conscious mind.

Experience subconscious thoughts rising into the conscious mind.

Learn how some forms of depression are restrictions in the energy flow.

Experience how to connect to ideas in the larger universe of energy.

Experience the band of energy that runs around the crown of the head, the halo seen in paintings of Christian saints.

Bill Johnson's journal captures what he learned about his energy body from a year of doing bellows breathing 3-4 hours a day.

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Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Ghost Doctor, by Nancy Hill

When the No No lads come to spend the summer with their spinster aunts, the ghost doctor who roams their mansion could not be happier. She has waited decades for a chance to be near children again, and soon the three are inseparable. However, their fun comes to an abrupt halt when the aunts hire humorless Governess Sternly to tend to the mischievous No No lads. But the ghost doctor and the No No lads hold fast to their friendship, which could spell tragedy to everyone involved.

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Sunday, November 19, 2023

A delightful Christmas story that begins when an old woman gives a special fruitcake to her friend. The friend, in turn, gives it to someone else. For twelve days the fruitcake exchanges hands, improving the life of everyone who receives it. Charming, heartwarming, and magical. #Xmas #Christmas #holidays #giftgiving