Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mike Shepherd Speaks about his Kris Longknife Novels

Mike Shepherd speaks about his Kris Longknife novels at Orycon 30, a science fiction convention held in Portland, Oregon. I shot several authors, including David D Levine, Sheila Simonson, and Mary Rosenblum. So far I've just edited two. I didn't take a tri-pod, since I didn't have a 'place' to shoot these. I discovered that in a hallway, it's best to shoot the author sitting at an angle to the wall behind them to give a sense of depth. In hindsight, I could have shot some hallway chats with people to edit together.

Mike was a good subject. He has a nice strong voice and he's done his share of public speaking.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting! I enjoyed seeing him discuss the books.
